Spice up your lessons with Raffle Tickets!
In our rush to cover objectives and meet the needs of our students, parents and administrators we often forget that kids are kids. They need some fun in their day. Since there isn't much “extra” time for those fun craft projects and free play time I came up with a way to build a little fun into my daily lessons. It's called a lesson raffle. It’s so simple and can be adapted to work in just about any lesson through out your day.
1: Present your lesson.
Step 2: Ask students a question. This could be a question from the book, worksheet or one you write on the board.
3: Students write the answer and their
name on a slip of paper or note card.
Step 5: Draw a slip or card from the basket. If it has the correct answer or appropriate response, that child is the winner! Also, if the child has forgotten to write his or her name, they can't be the winner.
6: Present the prize. This might be a piece of candy, a sticker, or
maybe the winner gets to do fewer of the practice problems on the page.
students know their might be a raffle question during the lesson they'll stay
engaged so they'll be ready to answer the question.
best thing about this is you've collected a small sample of their work so you
can look through the all of the responses as the kids are working to quickly
see who "gets it" and who may need a little more help.
love it because it’s so quick and the fun is built into the content of the
lesson raffle is also flexible. I can
have students do one math problem from the text or answer one question from the
science text. Or I can ask them to
summarize the plot of a story just read with a partner. The possibilities of what you ask students to
write on the raffle slip are endless!