1. Get students active! Like the title says, these notebooks are
“interactive”, That means students are
more involved instead of sitting back and being a passive learner.
2. Year-long
record. Notebooks are the perfect way to
keep a record of a student’s work from the entire year. The notebook is not only a place to paste in
pockets, foldables,
etc. But it’s also a place to keep notes, reflections, questions, and journal
3. Independent Work. Once students have been taught how to use an
element for the notebook they can use it again and again on future
assignments. By the second half of the
year students have probably been taught how to use lots of the elements and can
now choose an element on their own to use for an assignment. You can keep several of the more versatile
elements in a folder so they can get the one they want for a reading
4. Show your thinking! We are constantly asking students to show the
evidence for their answer or response.
Interactive notebooks are designed to do just that. Notebooks are not the place for a one word
answer! They encourage and guide
students to expand and show evidence for their responses.
5.They’re fun! I have yet to see a student who doesn't like
to work in their interactive notebook. I
know there is a place for paper/pencil tests, but interactive notebooks are inherently
engaging and students enjoy working on the elements they place in their
Click on this image to download a free sample of my Fourth Grade Interactive notebook!
a peek at a few of the pages.