Displaying and Organizing Your Objectives

 Let's Get Organized----Crockett's Classroom

Displaying and Organizing Your Objectives

Most classrooms are required to post their daily or weekly objectives.  Whether these objective are the CCSS or standards written by your state or district, you need a way to display them and keep them organized.  I've gathered a few ideas that will work in a variety of classroom settings.

Plastic Sleeves are the key!     
These are super easy to use in a display because the objective can slip in and out so easily.  You can attach the plastic sleeve, with double sided tape, to a piece of scrapbook paper. Add a header and your display is ready! (Links to the headers and objective posters are at the end of this post.)

Ideas for displaying objectives---Crockett's Classroom

Then your objective will slip right in!

Using plastic sleeves for objectives display --Crockett's Classroom

Your display could look something like this:
Classroom objectives display---Crockett's Classroom

The plastic sleeve/scrapbook paper idea works well if you have a bulletin board or wall space for your display.  But sometimes I want to save that precious wall space for student work displays.  My classroom had really nice cabinets and I found a way to use them for my objectives display.

I used little clear plastic hooks.  These Command hooks are great. They go on easily, stay put and are easy to remove without any tape residue.

Clear hooks to display classroom objectives--Crockett's Classroom

The plastic sleeve will then hang on the hook!

Classroom objectives are easy to change with hooks --Crockett's Classroom

 This works really well if you have cabinet doors or other surfaces that won't take staples or pins.  

Display classroom objectives on cabinet doors--Crockett's Classroom

Now, how do you keep your objectives organized so you can find them quickly?  There are two main ways- file folders or a binder.  I prefer a binder.  I purchase a bunch of really cheap plastic sleeves and put two objective in each, back to back so you can see the objectives from both sides.

Plastic sleeves for classroom objectives --Crockett's Classroom

Then I put them all in a binder.  Adding subject tabs will help you find the different types of objectives more quickly.

Organize and store objectives in a binder --Crockett's Classroom

When you lift the tab you'll see the objective!

Organize and store objectives in a binder --Crockett's Classroom

One more idea . . . .  for smaller spaces.  

Did you know you can print 2 images per page with Adobe Acrobat? It's so cool to print a smaller version when the full page is too big.  You can print 2 or 4 images per page.  Here's how . . 
 From the print screen follow these simple directions:

mulitsheet printing with Adobe Acrobat---Crockett's Classroom

With these smaller posters and headers you can create a display for a small group area or a small classroom. 

 I found a super cute green polka-dot burlap ribbon in the clearance aisle at Walmart.  I also purchased these tiny super strong magnets.

 I used a quick drying glue to attach the subject headers and magnets to the green dot burlap.  After the glue dried I was ready to attach the top sign that says, Daily Objectives.(download for free!  see below)

Once it was hanging I could use another magnet to hold the objective in place.  Now the objectives can be switched out very easily because they're held on with magnets.
Tiny magnet holds small signs in a display--Crockett's Classroom

Small display for Classroom Objectives

 Like what you see?  You can have all of this for your classroom!  The headers are available on Teachers Pay Teachers from Learning in Wonderland and the objectives/CCSS posters (K-3) are available from Crockett's Classroom.  You can click on the store links below to check them out.  You can download the free Daily Objective sign (four different colors)  for the small display here.

 Crockett's Classroom Learning in Wonderland  

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