Make a Book About Books


Your kids will learn all about books from Aunt Chip as she saves the town of Triple Creek.

Everyone loves to listen to stories.  Even as an adult, I listen to recorded books all the time.  As a teacher, I read aloud to my students every day, throughout the day.  One author I returned to again and again was Patricia Polacco.  Her books are not only filled with her beautiful artwork, but they also tell beautiful stories.

This is the first in a series of blog posts that highlight books by Patricia Polacco with suggestions for how to use them in your classroom.  I’m starting with a book you may not be familiar with . . . Aunt Chip and the Triple Creek Dam Affair. 

The people of Triple Creek “use” books all the time.  They use stacks of books as tables and stools, to fill potholes, and even to build the Triple Creek Dam.  But no one knows how to read.  As Aunt Chip tells her nephew, Eli, it all started when the town tore down the library to put up a giant TV tower.  She told them there would be consequences!  Aunt Chip begins telling Eli stories from the books she remembers.  He shares these stories with his friends.  Soon, they all want to learn how stories can come from books.

It isn't long before the kids are grabbing books from everywhere and begging Aunt Chip to teach them to read.  Then the children are teaching their parents to read, too.

This simple to make flap book will help your kids learn about the care of a book.  It also introduces the types of books and the parts of a book.  Great activity for the beginning of the school year.

Aunt Chip and the Triple Creek Dam Affair is a great book to share with your students during the first few weeks of school.  You can focus on how much reading and books impact our lives.  Discussions with younger students can be about taking care of books.  Older students can learn about genres and how reading is important in all parts of our lives.

I’ve created  a flap-book that teaches kids all about books--

    -how we take care of books

   -book dos and don't

   -how we use books

   -parts of a book

   -types of books 

Three pages printed double sided turn into an adorable flap book that teachers kids the types of books, the parts of a book and how we use books in our lives.

Kids love learning about books with this simple flap book.

Click on the image below to get a free copy of this activity to use with your kids!

Let Aunt Chip teach your kids about book and how they enrich our lives.

your photo name

1 comment

BellatriciaPorter said...

Last January I told my husband I didn't want to be married anymore, and in June I moved out. I wasn't planning on dating anyone at all, but I met someone and fell in love. My spouse and I still haven't filed (we've been busy, etc.), so does that mean legally he can file for divorce his own accord if he finds out I'm seeing someone? This was not the reason for our (not legal, but actual) separation, and I never cheated while married.

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